American Fisheries Society adds its voice for evolution

At its annual meeting in September 2007, the American Fisheries Society adopted a resolution (PDF) concerning the teaching of alternatives to evolution affirming "that the theory of evolution is the only current scientific explanation for the diversity of life on earth for inclusion in the science curricula of public schools," expressing its opposition to "policies that would allow the teaching of creationism, intelligent design or other political or faithbased doctrines in public school science classes," and encouraging "citizens, educational authorities and legislators to oppose such policies at the appropriate federal, state and local levels of government."

Explaining the rationale for the resolution is a background document (PDF) that concludes, "As a society whose members work with natural resources, we should find it particularly disturbing that the theory of evolution, the best available scientific perspective from which to understand natural ecosystems, continues to be the target of political efforts to bring issues of faith and social values into public schools. As a profession that promotes the conservation and sustainable management of aquatic resources through the application of the best available science, our voice should be added to the others speaking out to protect science education in public schools."

Founded in 1870, the American Fisheries Society is the oldest and largest professional society representing fisheries scientists. It seeks to promote the conservation, development, and wise use of fisheries; promote and evaluate the development and advancement of all branches of fisheries science and practice; gather and disseminate to its members and the general public scientific, technical, and other information about fisheries science and practice through publications, meetings, and other forms of communication; and encourage the teaching of fisheries science and practice in colleges and universities and the continuing education and development of fisheries professionals.