Catching up with RNCSE

Selected content from volume 27, numbers 5-6, of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on NCSE's website, featuring reports on a disastrous excursion for "intelligent design" in Oklahoma, developments in the Answers in Genesis schism, and the failed attempt to earmark $100,000 in taxpayer funds to a creationist organization in Louisiana. Additionally, RNCSE's editor Andrew J. Petto considers "The History of Life as a Walk in the Park" -- with color photographs of J. Nicholas Schweitzer's exhibit in Madison, Wisconsin, available only on-line. And there are reviews, too: Randall B. Irmis reviews Thomas R. Holtz Jr.'s Dinosaurs, James F. McGrath reviews God and Evolution: A Reader edited by Mary Kathleen Cunningham, and Jason R. Wiles reviews Anne H. Weaver's The Voyage of the Beetle.

If you like what you see, why not subscribe to RNCSE today? The next issue (volume 28, number 2) features reports on the treatment of evolution in Florida's new science standards, the recent antievolution legislation in Louisiana, and the ICR's failed bid to obtain certification for its graduate program in science education in Texas. Eugenie C. Scott and Glenn Branch explain why allowing students to opt out of evolution is a bad mistake. And there are reviews of books by Pascal Richet, David Standish, Francisco Ayala, Michael Lienesch, Carl Zimmer, and the mysterious A. Nonimous. And more is in the pipeline for future issues of RNCSE, including articles by Lawrence S. Lerner on state science standards, Steven Salzberg on a creationist paper that almost found its way into a respected journal, and Taner Edis on a new setback for Islamic creationism. Don't miss out -- subscribe now!