What's new on NCSE's YouTube channel

Eugenie C. ScottEugenie C. Scott

NCSE is pleased to announce the addition of a further batch of videos to NCSE's YouTube channel. Especially noteworthy is Eugenie C. Scott speaking on "It's not just about the science" at the American Chemical Society. Also featured are Barbara Forrest (a member of NCSE's board of directors) taking the audience at the Third Annual Orange County Freethought Alliance Conference "Inside the Louisiana Science Education Act" and Scott discussing "Science and spirituality" with WorldviewNaturalism.com. All three videos are from 2012.

Additionally, two videos featuring Eugenie C. Scott have been posted by the Will Steger Foundation: "Climate science in schools: The next evolution" and a presentation for the seventh annual Institute for Climate Change Education, both from 2012. The Will Steger Foundation educates, inspires, and empowers people to engage in solutions to climate change. Check out its video gallery, featuring presentations on climate science and climate education by such luminaries as Naomi Oreskes, John P. Abraham, and James Hansen. Tune in and enjoy!