Creationism revealed in Louisiana schools

Writing in Slate (April 21, 2015), Zack Kopplin reports, "I have evidence that religion, not science, is what's being taught systematically in some Louisiana school systems. I have obtained emails from creationist teachers and school administrators, as well as a letter signed by more than 20 current and former Louisiana science teachers in Ouachita Parish in which they say they challenge evolution in the classroom without legal 'tension or fear' because of pro-creationism policies."

In his article, Kopplin explains that he recently obtained material from various Louisiana school districts via public records requests. The result suggests that the Louisiana Science Education Act is widely regarded in the state as affording license for teachers to present scientifically unwarranted critiques of evolution. NCSE's Josh Rosenau was quoted as commenting, "Getting teachers to use attacks on evolution as a proxy for advocating creationism has a long history, especially in Louisiana."

Kopplin, who has been campaigning for the repeal of the Louisiana Science Education Act since 2010, when he was a senior in high school, concluded by noting the relevance of his findings to the repeal effort. He noted, "The Senate Education Committee will consider a new bill to repeal the Louisiana Science Education Act on Wednesday" (i.e., April 22, 2015; the bill in question is Senate Bill 74 (PDF), dubbed the "Intelligent Outcomes Wanted Act"), adding, "I look forward to the legislators doing their part."