Comprehensive Legal Resource

New "Creationism and the Law" resource section debuts

OAKLAND, CA June 10, 2009

Looking for the legal skinny on the court cases that shaped the evolution vs. creationism landscape? NCSE's new "Creationism and the Law" page has the details on 17 key cases, from Scopes to Selman, that made a difference.

Click a case and you get a thorough summary; a list of source documents (typically PDFs, arranged in chronological order); links to relevant NCSE news stories, timelines, presentations; and links to third-party sources.

This new NCSE resource is free and aimed at journalists, lawyers, school administrators, school boards, and anyone else facing a legal challenge relating to evolution, creationism, and public school science education.

To visit the page, go to

On a related note, check out NCSE's "Academic Freedom" legislation page, too, at Click the Chronology of "Academic Freedom" Bills or "Academic Freedom" Bills by State & Year links and you'll find the text and legislative status of every academic freedom bill proposed since 2004, plus news articles and off-site resources.

CONTACT: Paul Oh, 857-544-2246,

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